Time for Tires and Wheels
These monsters arrived last week. First problem, how to unload a 225lb tire that is 10 feet off the ground.

So you think these tires will stick to the rocks? The ladder was at around 55 degrees and the tire wouldn’t slide.

The tires are goodyear G275’s in size 335/80-20. They are 40.5 inches tall and 13 wide. I was hoping to go with 37 or 38 inch tires but these were the smallest I could go and still have the weight rating. Wheels are double beadlock split rim 20 x 10.5 made by Stazworks. The offset should (better) allow for front to rear swapping and a track within an inch. I’m counting on ceramic beads for balancing which I really hope work. Wouldn’t be surprised if I need more though. Oh how naive I was. Be sure to read all about the other tire issues on this site.

Here’s the scale. 227Lbs each.

And here’s the teaser picture. I won’t mount them for another month because I still have to pass a motor vehicle inspection to convert the title to an RV. I think it best not to give them any extra reason to squak.