Installing Super Singles Wheels and Tires
The day after the motor vehicle inspection the super singles went on. These came from Stazworks but before you run out and buy some read about the issues I’ve had here, Super Singles Drama. I’ve been looking at them in the yard for too long and wanted to get the old ones up for sale asap. The old tires and wheels sold quickly for $1100 which was nice.
Here’s a look at the difference in size from stock.

Many people ask why put such large tires on the truck. Simple answer, if you want to get rid of the duals these are the smallest tires that meet the weight requirements.

At first I thought the lug pattern was wrong. I was devastated for about 2 minutes till I started messing with it more. Sure enough they fit perfectly.

Here’s a shot of the rear clearance. I did have to shave a tiny bit from the front fenders and had to do some light cutting, bending, to the rear. Not much though, it only took half a day for all of it. Now with air bags deflated nothing touches.

A whole new look
And what does one do with new tires installed. Head directly out into the dirt to see how they work.

I’m impressed. The ride is better especially on washboard roads. I didn’t air down and could comfortably drive at speed on the bumps. It does feel heavier though. I’m now describing the overall feel of the truck as heavy but agile. By the way, this ambulance is mounted so the box and cab can articulate independently. Not like a 3 point, but should be enough for what I do.

This was my first overnight that wasn’t in my Dad’s back yard. Something I really needed. Had an early morning bike ride then a nap on the cot in the shade.